Upu fa'aaloalo. 115. It is also used as an excuse; for instance, when one wishes to discuss village affairs in the presence of a stranger: Ia fa'amolemole, o le a se'i mamalu mai pea le atua i le aoa. Ua penapena i tua o tai i'a. When these migrant members attend a funeral in their homeland, they will pay to get there and bring a good amount of money with them. The fault was committed in the bush, but it is now talked about on the highway. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa used when one is pursued by misfortune. Thus people say, Ua se i'a e moe o mauga o Savai'i. O le upega e fili i le po, 'ae talatala i le ao. Used of an asembly whose members have come from different villages and who, later on, will disperse again. 151. IN the field of rhetoric the Samoans have shown both skill and artistry. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa, applied to things that were well begun, but ended badly. When the plant sprouts once more, the tuber can still be used; but as soon as it has new leaves, the tuber becomes uneatable. 118. O le manu sina e le soa. If the maga breaks or is bitten off by a fish, the loss can easily be repaired. 4 > Proverbial expressions of the Samoans, by E. Schultz, p 139-184. Si'i le matalalaga. However, it presupposes that only one person is engaged in an undertaking, or, if there is more than one, none of them meets with success. The hunting implements are hung up. During his lifetime a person frequently changes his abode, but when he is about to die he remembers his birth-place and his family and returns there to await the end. The Samoans value the mats so much that the most important ones bear honorable names. Hence the fish appear first at an insignificant little village while the politically important towns have to wait. Mago is a species of shark; pa'itele was a sea-monster about which little is known. A decision made at night may be changed in the morning. The fish had a fono regarding the advisability of declaring war on the birds. To prick one another like a school of 'apoa. The twisting is done with the right hand on the right thigh, the cord at the same time being wound up with the left hand. Type-written copy. It exists no longer. O le i'a a vai malo. When the boatbuilder does not find a suitable plank, he shifts the one at his disposal back and forth, vainly trying to fit it in place. 3. Ua tu'u i tai le va'a tele. When one party has, with much trouble, conquered another and established a government, it has to watch lest its newly acquired power be wrested from it. When a family wishes to lay out a big taro plantation, it is well that a specified spot be apportioned to each member. Euphemisms for Dead, Death, and Dying: Are They Helpful or Harmful? O le sala a tautai e totogi. It means the palolo was gone by the time the people reached the reef. Gathered into a flock from different parts of the forest. A logo tai ua logo uta. 194. 146. In Manono the lo appears so often that it is paid for with lo. Like a pigeon sitting behind the hunter's hut. ), SCHULTZ, E. Sprichwortliche Redenserten der Samoaner. This figure of speech presupposes that a single pigeon was spied by a hunting party and that it was artfully enticed and caught in presence of all the hunters. 150. Funerals are flooded with gifts for the family. The pigeon of the early morning. To this refers the popular song: A'e i le Pola ne'i gaseNe'i sosola o manu e. Climb the Pola Rock noiselessly lest the birds fly away. ", "The whole world is a dream, and death the interpreter. The tia are close together but it is long way from one to the other. The bundle of mats has fallen into disarray. ", "What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul. If new mats - 178 are to be added the bundle must be undone and the mats will then fall into disorder. The string (to which the decoy pigeon is tied) is entangled. The family is the most significant socio-political element of Samoan society. Thus also did Vaomua. 82. The same figure of speech is used when the offspring of a noble family has been adopted by another village and honoured with a matai name. Once upon a time there was an aitu (devil, spirit) who had the form of a trumpet shell (Triton shell, pu, foafoa) and ate men. (Samoan Proverb) The knee This is called: Va lelei. Upu fa'aaloalo: Explain the general aim of the meeting, then we shall give our opinion. Upu alofa to express sympathy for one who is pursued like the bonito. When the fish see an opening in the net, they swim to the place where the tautai stands as if they obeyed him. Upu vivi'i. The word savini means the beating of the young birds' wings at their first attempts to fly. Ua se temeteme. Like the crying of the pu that is going to die. Experts may use their hands only to catch small octopi; but the correct and most efficient method is fishing with the help of the sao. The galo dies in Pa'au. A successful hunt. The shell, then, has to sustain the fall while the crab itself gets off unhurt. Even European building material is rarely used in the construction of native houses. 26. Anything they caught was carefully wrapped up and at once sent to the village. 93. O le galo e gase i Pa'au. See No. 91. Pa'u i se niu 'umi (loa). ", "Everybody will undergo the sentence of the grave. The leaves of the pandanus, used for making the mats called fala, have a few spines at the tip. He tries to find out if the other person is good natured, liberal, hospitable and how he can turn things to his advantage. Turn the house around; the ropes will protect it. Go and look in the fishermen's houses. Upu faifai applied to a repulsive person whom nobody wants to associate with. Upu fa'anoanoa: Man is mortal. 134. 167. 16. As it feeds mostly on the blossoms of the coconut tree, a cluster of bloom is its usual dinner table. Se'i motu le pa 'a 'ua iloa. The leaves of the ti plant were used to make the titi (leafy girdle; see No. La'ulu is the name of a reef near Falealupo, very rich in fish. The Samoans maintain that if a single unavau happens to be in a swarm of pelupelu, the latter will all be poisonous. Only the manutagi is still caught in the old way and, if the report be true, the chiefs of Aopo and Tiave'a will, occasionally, net pigeons according to the ancient rules of the hunt. Upu alofa: Loving words referring to friends who stick together through thick and thin. One night two women planned to go fishing with torches on the reef. 23. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Unknown . As an Amazon Associate this site earns from qualifying purchases. It is also used in the form of: Ua fa'ae'e le 'au'au, etc., after the leader has concluded his address. III.MANUAL WORK INSIDE AND OUT OF THE HOUSE. 76. Apia, Samoa, 1916. When a tauta (landman, oppos. 24. The tautai may not refuse him. Ua se i'a e moe. O le faila tu i le ama. 4. The chiefs and orators make the decisions, but the common people (tagatalautele) must carry them into effect and suffer all the consequent hurt and damage, e.g., after a declaration of war. Ulumu politely offered Lefao to take station in the falemuathe front hut. Like a breadfruit plucked on stony ground, (i.e., plucked off a tree growing on stony ground, so that the fruit will be crushed and no longer usable). Upu faanoanoa or alofa referring to a person who has come to harm through anothers fault. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. O le la'au e tu, 'ae oia. Words to encourage a person to strive after his goal, and not allow himself to be deterred by any consideration or obstacle. Do not enquire too deeply into the things which do not concern you, e.g., the affairs of another family (aua e te sagolegole). 6. Upu fa'anoanoa or alofa. Inspirational Samoan Quotes & Sayings. O le fogava'a e tasi. Upu fa'amoanoa used at the loss of some benefit anticipated or already obtained, particularly when it is lost through negligence. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} Jesus Death, Resurrection & Return. When this contraption has been destroyed deliberately or otherwise, the fishermen will come and rebuild it. 190. Overcoming Fear of Death. A white tern that is so proud of its glossy plumage that it will not associate with darker birds. The plaiting of mats is exclusively the women's business. SCNT: Samoan Contemporary New Testament . Fa'alupe tumulifale. (Abridged. Upu fa'amafanafana or vivi'i: A strong village that has been defeated in battle will fight again. 3, 11, 12). Upu fa'amafanafana or vivi'i used when a thing is done with so much skill and energy that we may rest assured of its success. Neiafu is not the village of this name in Savai'i, but a piece of land near Falepuga, Upolu. O le tiuga a Matala'oa e tiu ma afifi. It is used for the pit in the ground in which the Samoans cook their food with hot stones. Fa'afanauga a laumei. 142. Do not fish with the stick. The falling of a ripe coconut. When a crab is caught it is pierced with its own leg. It is actually used as a request to be respectful. I am fishing because I have helped to make a fata. To catch the first pigeon of the day is considered a special achievement. Only at Neiafu is the trade wind despised. It means, to refrain from further participation in an affair; to leave the decision to another. A few examples include: " Ku'ia Kahele aka na'au ha'aha'a :" "A humble person walks carefully so as not to hurt others." 105. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The fish is near a deep spot. Copyright 2023 Funeralwise, LLC. Mr. T. Smith, Private Secretary to Logan. The select circle of orators and chiefs gather together to share speeches, recite genealogies, consume a popular plant called kava and finish the process by celebrating with a feast prepared by the new members family. This practice can be quite a financial burden on Samoan families particularly if there are a number of funerals in a short amount of time. This often miscarries. Thus say the hunters when, entering the bush, they notice no sign of the game. From the bodily warmth of the one who sits or lies on it. One good turn deserves another. Also, upu faifai. 46. The Tuifiti (King of Fiji) had two wives, one a Fijian, the other a Samoan. O le pa'u a le popo uli. There the instruments remain together, one knowing the other. He is like an arrow that lies about in the house. Finally she added another piece of fau and the cord held. These have evolved from ancient traditions, and theyre still in practice in Samoan communities across the globe. The idea of a good and bad death is a common belief throughout the world. A good death, in Samoan tradition, is a death that happens at home. When death happens at home, the spirit stays with the family peacefully. Upu vivi'i applied to two villages or families long related to each other and united through their common origin. Let it go the way of the bonito. E sua le 'ava, 'ae to le 'ata. The swordfish (sa'ula) likes to pursue the bonito and follows it even when it seeks shelter near a boat. Profitless is the turning of the drill plate, whilst the drill goes on eating through (the wood). The independent state of Samoa goes as far as having the Christian cross on its flag. Interpreter. 14. She lived in a small hut behind the big house occupied by her brother and his family. Upu fa'aulaula: raillery, ridicule, jests. Applied to people who meet and take counsel together. Like the tip of the pandanus leaf. E sau le fuata ma lona lou. 172. It is particularly used in a salutatory speech: O le pule o le Atua ua mafai ai ona tatou fesilafa'i i le aso nei, aua e ui ina va i fale ve'a o lo tatou soifuaga, 'ae pule lava le Atua i lo tatou soifua. 51. Shower later." ", "Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people want it. The word falute originally referred only to mats; it is now also applied to other things that must be gathered up evenly. Patupatu amo fale. One of the best Samoan sayings about family meaning, in the face of adversity, only family will truly be there for us. In the bush villages and sometimes also in those near the seashore, the inner bark of the fausoga tree is twisted into a cord used to make fish and lobster nets and for other purposes. More Samoan Proverbs: You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. The saying means: I have the right to take part in the discussion. Their village being so far inland, they knew how to appreciate their catch. The wild manutagi, hearing the call of the decoy bird, approaches gradually by hopping from tree to tree, before it enters the cage. "There is no one who can jump so high as to escape death." When the hunter has allured the gogo, he pulls in his decoy bird and imitates the tern's call-note a. He will be answered by the tern with another a.. The Samoan fale is built in such a way that it can be taken into parts to be transported to some other place. The sail is, therefore, somewhat lowered until it hangs in an inclined position (sipa). Someone who comes to grief as a result of their own actions. Upu alofa: expressions of love, compassion, and sympathy. The cure of the alamea. The word manuia is used to wish somebody well with anything at all, and can be used to say goodbye as well: Governmental power is like a fresh water fish. The owner of a certain plantation had his crop stolen time and again. 88. The following morning it is properly put in order. Fallen off a high coconut palm. A ripe coconut that falls off the tree strikes root and grows. Gifts include money and fine hand-woven mats (usually for display only and then rolled and stored). Upu fa'afiti in the sense of: Ou te le iloa le loto o lena ali'i. 11. 3. One is unsuccessful because of weakness, stupidity or for other reasons; the other meets with success. 106. Many of these have hidden meanings. 109. He may not be repulsed. Ua fano lua i masa. Ua fa'amea tapena i ua. Fatuati is a heap of stones erected under water in the lagoon to attract fish. A bird that has just been caught jumps about and struggles to escape. The hunter sitting in his shelter lets the decoy pigeon fly with a toss into the air. In this state, which is considered a symbol of repose, it is known as ufu. When the net is finished people say, Ua peiseai sa fai i se afa e tasi; or elliptically: Ua se afa e tasi. 42. 192. Try the fish line first on land. The inhabitants of the coast finally determined to rid themselves of the oppressor. See also the next three proverbs. Everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. Ua ta i matau, ta i ama fa'alamaga ise. The more formal ways to say this are: Hello (polite). Samoan Sign Language is used by at least some of the deaf population.Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. 119. The tifitifi is a small fish. Ua fa'anoa fua le matulau i le faanoa a gatala. Upu vivi'i applied to surpassing qualities in persons or things. 83. The fish fugausi secretes a whitish substance in which it hides itself and feels secure from its enemies. Samoans follow a code of living and culture called the Faa Samoa which means the Samoan Way. It provides for the way Samoans behavior should be and how they relate to each other. Proverbs offering support include: Some cultures view death as a very part of life on a larger continuum. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Used when refering to a small but influential village or family. When the time is right, ask the surviving family member what that cause might be. Upu faifai or fa'afiti: To refuse a request because the petitioner has previously shown himself unloving and hardhearted. The people hunted mostly with the help of decoy birds. All the tulavae made by a section of the village are joined into a fata. Ua tu'u tasi le upega o Pili. Se'i toto le ta'amu te'evao. Sili le foe. Because of this incomplete fastening the term: 136. While the fisher is waiting for a bite, his boat must move on slowly. The lower end of the rafters is tied fast, the upper end lies hidden in the timber work. This refers to a mishap that befalls several people at the same time. Upu faifai: Why don't you pay respect and deference to others? 117. Ua o gatasi le futia ma le umele. When it tries to climb over rocks and tree trunks, it frequently tumbles down. This method of fishing is known as seu. He who wishes to avoid Scylla falls into Charybdis. 64. Nowadays, these mats act mainly as decorations during the funeral and then are stored away. Sinnet should be made daily and daily the rigging must be examined. 65. When a ti plantation has been abandoned, the plants are not choked by the weeds but will grow up again as soon as the weeds are removed. The Samoans say that the greedy heron eats all the fish it catches and brings nothing to its family. Never judge things of. Referring to a person about to leave his home, never to return. Only the matamea crab presented herself without a gift. The 28th of December 1929 is now known as Samoas Black Saturday. Applied to petty quarrels between families which are not of a political character and do not threaten the general peace of the community. However, as my opinion may be of some value to you, I will express it and, at the same time, beg your pardon for my tactless interference. Three Samoan orators, including two tulafale(Credit: Wikipedia). 103. Whatever your culture or religion, these words help address death as a part of life: It's important to honor those who have gone before us. Bring the one-pronged arrow to shoot the pigeon in the thicket. Like the twisting of a cord. When the wooing has presented particular difficulties, as through the lack of connections between the families of the bride and the bridegroom, then the young wife and her child are referred to as. I shouldn't say fat, that might offend him, but he's Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts. When wearing the mat, it is folded in two and the coarser half is worn underneath. Ua mu le lima, tapa le iofi. Va i fale ve'a. Don't throw away a favourable opportunity. Given that dialogue relating to death and grief for many Samoans remains in the realm of tapu (sacred) or s (protected), few attempts have been made by researchers of Samoan heritage A white bird that has no friend. E atagia taga tafili. Upu taofiofi: Be careful in an undertaking and mind the obstacles. Hello. The enemy between the houses. Shall I become your working girdle? 89. A beautiful Samoan quote about love meaning that brothers protect their sisters. At the termination of the war the birds held a fono and drank kava. 80. Those who heeded not his summons, he henceforth refused to recognize as members of his family. I am not competent to judge how the unavau's poison is communicated to the pelupelu, whether this happens in the sea or when the two fish are accidentally cooked together. The galo is a full grown fish, which in its earlier stages is called fugausi and laea. This extensive process marks the formality of the situation with the acceptance of a new titleholder as well as a possible tulafale into the family and village. 123, 201. A petitioner uses it to indicate he realizes the negative answer he gets is only an evasion. 71. The sinnet ring and the stand for the fishing rod must be equally strong. O le aso ma le filiga'afa, o le aso ma le mata'inatila. Pratt translates: Why do you not steer out of the way? The word seu has two meanings: to turn the head of a canoe and to catch birds or fish in a net. To cover up dead birds. Ua aliali le va'ava'a o le tava'e. Her family repay the gift with siapo (tapa cloth). Sign in to get trip updates and message other travelers.. Samoa ; Hotels ; Things to do ; Restaurants ; Flights ; Vacation Rentals ; Vacation Packages The information I have had from the natives convinces me that the second explanation is the correct one. This is the code that provides for the systems of chiefs that lead Samoan families. 5. 147. Upu taofiofi: Let each one attend to his own affairs and not meddle with those of others. In vain rejoices the drill plate when the drill point is broken. ", "Only love gives us the taste of eternity. Its inhabitants had the reputation of avoiding all waste when fishing. She then related what she had seen. Use iTalki for 1-on-1 lessons in over 150 languages to supercharge your learning! Upu fa'amaulalo, fa'anoanoa or alofa referring to a person who has neither home nor family. A little tifitifi, that was still alive, sprang up and fell into a deep hole and Lilomaiava said, Perhaps you want that fish too? Yes, replied Leao and Lilomaiava said, Well, then the post must be taken down.. Before the work begins, the mesh-sticks (afa) are measured and made equal, so that all the meshes may be of the same size. The first shark caught in a new boat must be presented to the village by the owner of the boat. Samoan Let each do his share of the work. 155. Tafi le va i ti. Upu vivi'i: Words of praise referring to the speech of one high chief or orator and the reply made by another. Before the advancement of mortuary science there, the deceased was buried the day after death. I don't know the views of that person. Upu faalumaluma. The fish caught in the net looks for some advantage, namely for a hole through which it may regain its liberty. 139. Upu taofiofi: Warning: Look before you leap. Upu fa'aulaula, alofa or fa'anoanoa: He who comes too late must content himself with what is left.