Oracle Database 11g Administration – DBA.
Oracle is an enormous system, with a myriad of technologies, options, and releases. Most users–even experienced developers and database administrators–find it difficult to get a handle on the full scope of the Oracle database. But with over 21 yrs of experience, we are able to break it down so well that around 80% of our students get jobs within a few weeks after finishing our course and projects. You can do it also!.

About Oracle 11g DBA Training Course
In this Instructor-led course, you install the Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition software, create a new database, and learn how to administer the database.
You also configure the database to support an application and perform tasks such as creating users, defining storage structures, and setting up security. This course uses a fictional application. However, you perform all the core tasks that are necessary for a real application.
Database administration does not end after you configure your database. You also learn how to protect it by designing a backup and recovery strategy and how to monitor it to ensure that it operates smoothly
Being an Oracle DBA is a very privileged, prestigious and high paying career in the IT industry – $80k – 120+K/yr.
5 Months
Course Outline or What You Will Learn How To
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- The Oracle Architecture
- Install, create, and administer Oracle Database 11g
- Configure the database for an application
- Employ basic monitoring procedures
- Implement a backup and recovery strategy
- Move data between databases and files
Advanced Topics for advanced students: - Configure and administer Goldengate
- Configure and administer Standby Databases & Dataguard
- Configure and administer RAC
An updated and more detailed outline will be given on the first day of Class. See our General & combined DBA Course Outline here
- A lot of study time ~ 2 hours daily
- A very powerful laptop with lots of memory and hard drive space. Get nothing less than an i7 laptop with a minimum 12GB RAM, SSD o/s drive, and 1 TB storage hard drive.
- Custom design Virtual Machines (to be provided in class)
- The rest of the requirements list shall be provided upon registration
Hands-On Practices & Projects
- Performing installation on a Linux system
- Navigating the file system to locate key files
- Running the standard maintenance tools and utilities,
- Applying patches and
- Carrying out cloning operations
- Monitoring
- Backup and Recovery
Audience - Who should take this Training Course?
- Other RDBMS professionals.
- Database Designers
- Functional Implementer
- Project Manager
- Support Engineer
- Anyone willing to work very hard for a career change or starting a new career.
- New College graduates with a degree in any field.
Prerequisites for Training Course?
- introductory to SQL
- Some Knowledge of any database engine may help.
Benefits - Why take this Training Course?
- New and good paying Career
- To Obtain the OCA certificate
Industry Credits & Certification
OCA certificate if already written the SQL exam.
Cho Mathias
Has been working with oracle databases for over 21 years.
What is a database?
Our RAC course
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Our Dataguard course
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Free Courses
- Linux For DBAs(Bonus Class)
- Intro to SQL
- Cloud computing, Digital & Information Literacy
- Computer Basics, Internet, E-mail & Social Media
- MS Office: Word, Excel & PowerPoint
- Keyboard Mastering & Typing
Premium Courses
- Oracle Database Architecure and Administration
- Oracle E-Business Suite
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle RAC, Data guard & Golden Gate