Los estudiantes de quinto grado usaron una plantilla redonda para crear sus propios planetas sobre una cartulina negra y explicar cmo realizar dos crculos superpuestos que dieran la impresin que estaban por delante o detrs el uno del otro. Join this weeks session virtually to learn about the following topic: Continuaremos nuestra serie la Universidad para Padres: Talleres de tecnologa para padres. The students looked at two cups one with room temperature water and one with ice water and predicted what will happen when water is placed inside each cup, Vogel said. Valery Guanoquiza y Anthony Trezza, dos estudiantes de la escuela elementaria de Park Avenue han mostrado sus proyectos de arte de manera virtual en la exhibicin relacionada con la Asociacin de Arte de los Profesores del Estado de Nueva York. Adems de Baurle y la Productora Steph Darrow, la produccin es posible gracias a varios estudiantes quienes han tomado los papeles de liderazgo, incluyendo al asistente director Toni Ash y las gerentes de escena Nexayda Marin, Ashly Olmeda y Sophia Tellez. The fifth graders used acircle stencil to create their planets on black construction paper and discussed how to make two overlapping circles look like they are in front of or behind one another. A partir del mircoles 2 de marzo del 2022, el uso de mascarillas por parte de los estudiantes, profesores y personal en todos los edificios del distrito ser opcional. Check your email to verify your account and get started on your first project. Please join our Parent University K-5 Report Card information session on October 26that the link below: Por favor, nase a nuestra Universidad Parental para una sesin informativa sobre el informe de calificaciones de grados K-5 el 26 de octubre en el enlace abajo: With several books in hand, King Street School kindergartners found a comfortable seat around their classroom and engaged in independent reading. For more information, visit: tinyurl.com/pchsplay22. Its teachers have had 160 projects funded on DonorsChoose. Port Chester High School students who have been studying similar triangles in math teacher Carlos Gomezs Bilingual Geometry class took their learning outside for a lesson on indirect measurement. Tenga en cuenta que su comunidad escolar est disponible para apoyar a los estudiantes y las familias durante los prximos das. The school implements a gifted curriculum model designed to offer a full program for many needs, including an IHP (Individual Honors Program) and a comprehensive program for students with challenging needs. He is member of Mu Alpha and the English, National and Tri-M Music honor societies, and was selected to participate in the prestigious Hoff-Barthelson Music School Honors Program. Walter Reed Middle ranks 552nd of 2740 California middle schools. The Band Association will also have a table at Port Chester Day on Saturday August 27, and will be selling Band apparel and helmets. In partnership with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and representatives from the Rye Brook Department of Public Works, it was determined that a section of the storm line that leads from the rear of Port Chester Middle School was the cause of the blue water observed earlier today. For the 2022-2023 School Year Breakfast will be free for all students. Luego de la presentacin de rosas, los veteranos y sus familias fueron invitados a disfrutar de un desayuno en la cafetera. fluorescent lights, black construction paper and neon oil pastels, Park Avenue Elementary School fifth graders created their own glow-in-the-dark art pieces. Mientras los estudiantes observaban la reproduccin virtual de la tierra y del Sol, stos tomaban notas y hacan observaciones acerca de los fenmenos que causaban el da y la noche, los cambios de estaciones y las variaciones en cuanto a las cantidades de la luz solar del da a travs del ao. Todos estamos muy orgullosos de lo que estamos construyendo juntos y espero con ansias todo lo que lograremos juntos en 2023. "Midieron la altura de una vara de medir con su sombra. The students said they enjoyed interacting and smiling with their partners and creating a fun project together. Rye Brook, NY 10573, 914-934-7930 Terracciano said the teachers received overwhelmingly positive responses from the children in the two buddy classes. El reto creativo formaba parte de una tarea del curso de Descubrimiento en Informtica del profesor Daniel Tamucci. Los alumnos de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester donaron alimentos no perecederos al Centro Comunitario Don Bosco, una organizacin local que ayuda a alimentar a los miembros de la comunidad que puedan estar pasando por una situacin de inseguridad alimentaria. We had been celebrating thecountdown to this date, and thestudents had a prepared look of confidence in their eyes, as if 90 generations of band members were cheering them on in spirit, he said. I hope that by the end of this series of lessons, students will understand that weather in Port Chester follows a pattern throughout the year starting cold in January, warming up in the spring and summer and then getting cold again in the fall, Vogel said. As part of the longstanding tradition at Port Chester, students handed out a yellow rose to a family member a veteranwho was invited to the ceremony. You may pay by a credit card. In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, our school newspaper, The Ram's Ramble will be including a section on Hispanic traditions, and wewantto hear from you! Los estudiantes del jardn de infancia de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison pegaron de una manera muy meticulosa tiras de papel de colores en otra hoja de papel para crear su propia escultura en tercera dimensin en la clase de arte de la maestra Alison Gallagher. Cuando mi personal ley sobre el hecho de que ustedes trajeron un peridico estudiantil y cre este grupo dinmico de estudiantes despus de 10 aos para resucitar y tener su voz, yo dije que esto merece este premio en particular.. Construir relaciones y confianza con el tiempo. Los estudiantes antes de crear sus propios psters o carteles mostrando su opinin o evaluacin sobre la revolucin, rellenaron y completaron un organizador grfico con el fin de ayudar a los estudiantes estructurar sus pensamientos. No obstante, los actores y actrices tras como transcurra la noche tenan la obligacin de averiguarlo. For their publication, the students chose horror as the genre before they began their creative writing process. Muchos de mis estudiantes saben esta cancin y los ayuda a sacar los meneos antes de sentarse a dibujar.". Its a better way of practicing math problems than sitting at their desks doing independent practice because it forces them to stand up and walk around, Raskin said. La maestra dijo: los estudiantes tenan que mostrar qu pasara con los planetas en el universo si stos se pudieran superponer. La maestra Templo dijo: Espero que mis estudiantes aprendan que el arte puede ser una materia interdisciplinaria muy relacionada y conectada con las matemticas y las ciencias para que puedan crear sus propios proyectos y estn orgullosos de los mismos. In order to align with the New York State Math Assessments and the middle school math curriculum, moving forward, Port Chester Middle School students will use calculators on the Star Math Assessments starting with the January administration. I love how we have expanded from mainly short stories to newer additions like photographs and reviews, she said. There are modern-day, universal messages of friendship, love and devotion to doing the right thing in Seussical Jr. Dr. Seuss characters are lovable, relatable and colorful, making it a perfect middle school show.. The school bus is an easy object to draw using this approach, Chambers said. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria de Thomas Edison fueron invitados a una presentacin especial sobre la seguridad contra incendios por miembros del Cuerpo de Bomberos de Port Chester. In addition, he incorporates interactive music programs on the Smart Board where students can hear and identify how their instrument part fits in with the overall melodic and rhythmic features in the song. We are all so proud of what we are building together and I look forward to all that we will achieve together in 2023. They measured the height of a yard stick with its shadow. They were also challenged to strike to a target by knocking down a pin from a distance. Roncagliolo was appointed during a special Board of Education meeting on Sept. 1. Learning how to play in a band ensemble is an essential experience as a student musician, Johnson said. Increase student outcomes/opportunities: partnership with SUNY Westchester and local colleges/universities, Principals Promise Academy, build a culture of continuous improvement and data-informed teaching and leading, increase morning/afternoon learning opportunities, increase the graduation rate consider nontraditional pathways, support for STEAM and the arts, build culture of inclusivity/inclusive excellence. Payments must be postmarked by the US Post Office no later than September 30, 202 to avoid penalty. Students practice foundational reading skills, such as concepts of print, tracking and one-to-one correspondence, Maria said. Carlos easily grasped how to follow step-by-step instructions to draw his tiger and how to use overlapping and placement to arrange an excellent composition, Chambers said. Por otra parte, Anthony Trezza, otro estudiante de quinto grado, cre otra pieza de arte y la denomin Gallo Cantando para ello, us tiza y lpices de colores de cera en aceite sobre una cartulina. Many of the students know this song and it helps get the wiggles out before we sit down to draw.. Box 826, Port Chester, NY, 10573 or use paypal, Please take some time out this Fall Season and watch our "Pride of Port Chester" PCHS Marching Band perform in-person at various locations including local football games at the high school, parades, and competitions. This site is available as a library of resources and information. This practice, which is the beginning of ourrelationship thisyear,not only develops a sense of community at Edison, but it also boosts social and emotional skills for the kindergartners and fifth graders.. In 2016, 1,599 students were enrolled and there was a student/teacher ratio of 27:1. Durante las asambleas, ellos repasaron los procedimientos contra incendios, tales como cmo salirse de la casa, llamar al 911, y detenerse y rodar. Walter Reed Middle School Reviews. We recommend you upgrade your browser. I dont want to see cookie-cutter projects that represent proficient coding. Yo tambin emparej esta leccin con la canciny el libro titulado "Las Ruedas en el Autobs". En el antiguo gimnasio de La Escuela Superior de Port Chester, Se invita a los estudiantes del 3. al 5. grado de las Escuelas Primarias de Port Chester a asistir y crear proyectos prcticos STEAM, The yearbooks are almost sold out at Port Chester Middle School. Please know that your school community is available to support students and families during the days ahead. Antes de la actividad prctica, los estudiantes vieron un video y representaron una discusin que habra tenido lugar entre cientficos en el siglo XIII que apoyaron un modelo de rotacin del sol o un modelo de rotacin de la Tierra para explicar por qu el sol parece girar, sale y se pone en el cielo todos los das. Adems de Guzmn, cada uno de los lderes estudiantiles (Thomas D'Esperies, Sophia Ortiz-Heaney, Michelle Ramos-Aragon y Kathleen Scarola), as como todos los estudiantes escritores y fotgrafos, han sido parte integral de la exitosa resurreccin de The Port Light.Lo que ms me llama la atencin es cun informados y brillantes son nuestros estudiantes, dijo Thomas. Recientemente, y bajo la supervisin de las maestras: Gladys Bencosme y Stephanie Garca, los estudiantes de tercer grado de la escuela primaria de John Fitzgerald Kennedy del distrito escolar de Port Chester trabajaron de manera independiente y en grupos con el fin de completar dos diferentes actividades de matemticas. Tambin estoy agradecida por nuestros socios comunitarios, los padres y la Junta de Educacin. Raskin coloc la respuesta a cada problema de matemticas en el saln de clases y desafi a sus alumnos a buscar las respuestas una vez que completaran cada problema. They mingled, completed their tasks and tried to figure out who committed the crime. Para concluir, los estudiantes que intervinieron en esta actividad, caminaron hacia la escuela secundaria del distrito escolar de Port Chester con el fin de reforzar el tema mensual que se esta tratando, el cual es Romper las Barreras. We are asking that parents fill out a survey to help us in planning interesting and relevant workshops to help us better serve our students and families.Click this link to take the survey: https://forms.gle/8XDK5Zx29yRqE3oW6, Los coordinadores de las escuelas comunitarias estn planeando talleres para padres y les encantara saber de sus intereses! Fue conmovedor ver la conexin que nuestros veteranos tienen con nuestra comunidad y permitirnos honrarlos por su servicio, dijo el subdirector Anthony Carolini. Enrollment/registration emails for each of these programs are being emailed to families by June 2, so families should be on the lookout for correspondence directly from the district or from Catapult Learning regarding your children's participation in programs. For the District's active phone directory click HERE. Los estudiantes de Port Chester High School Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes y Kimberly Nicolas tienen sus obras de arte en exhibicin en la exhibicin virtual de la Asociacin de Maestros de Arte del Estado de Nueva York. Con el consentimiento, las escuelas secundarias del programa transferirn de manera segura los datos personales y acadmicos necesarios a SUNY Westchester, lo que permitir que los estudiantes que hayan completado los requisitos para obtener su diploma de escuela secundaria sean admitidos automticamente en la universidad. It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I write to you. Walter Reed Middle School Walter Reed Middle School 4525 Irvine Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91602 P: (818) 487-7600 F: (818) 766-9069 Los Angeles Unified School District powered by Educational Networks Walter Reed Middle School 4525 Irvine Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91602 P: (818) 487-7600 F: (818) 766-9069 Los Angeles Unified School District powered by Los misterios intrigan a las personas y permiten que las personas tengan la oportunidad de trabajar en equipo para averiguar qu actor o actriz est ejerciendo el papel o rol de ladrn. They also learned about the science of fluorescent lights before painting their galaxy and universe. Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones estn con las familias de aquellos que perdieron la vida tan trgicamente en el tiroteo sin sentido de ayer en una escuela primaria en Texas. Nuestra programacin de estudiantes de verano para todas las familias que se han registrado y expresado inters ocurrir simultaneamente, con componentes acadmicos ofrecidos a travs del proveedor Catapult Learning, a travs de nuestros propios maestros de idioma dual y de ENL, y a travs de nuestro dedicado personal de educacin especial en su Programa de Ao Escolar Extendido. And families during the days ahead los veteranos y sus familias fueron invitados a disfrutar un. Want to see cookie-cutter projects that represent proficient coding que su comunidad escolar disponible... Own glow-in-the-dark art pieces en Informtica del profesor Daniel Tamucci and creating a fun project together construyendo y... 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